About me

I am a Software Engineer who loves everything about the mobile apps world. I have been developing apps for the Android platform since 2013. I care a lot about software architectures, testing and clean code. Moreover, I aim to deliver to end users smooth and fine-tuned apps, for the best possible user experience. I am curious and passionate about what I do, and I always try to get the most out of new challenges, to improve myself as a professional and as a person.


High Level Technician for Mobile Apps Engineering

2015 - 2017
I.T.S. Kennedy, Pordenone, Italy

Postgraduate degree achieved with 100/100 academic degree

ICT Head Technician

2009 - 2014
ITIS J.F. Kennedy, Pordenone, Italy

High school diploma achieved with 87/100 finals degree


Android Engineer

2021 - now
Empatica, Milano (full-remote), Italy

Android Engineer working on Care for EmbracePlus, the new flagship smartwatch in the healthcare sector.

Mobile Lead Engineer

2016 - 2021
MOLO17, Pordenone, Italy

Android and iOS Engineer primarily focused on the Android platform. Daily usage of Kotlin, Jetpack, Coroutines, Flow, MVVM, MVP, RxJava, Junit, Espresso. Working everyday in a remote team, in which I’m also actively supporting teammates and doing code reviews. In particular, I introduced the team to the Clean Architecture, and in 2019 also to the Kotlin Multiplatform world. I often write posts on the company’s blog about Kotlin and software engineering topics. I joined as a speaker at:

  • Milan Kotlin Community Conf 2018;
  • M17 Meetup at Mikamai LinkMe in Milan, 2018;
  • Kotlin workshop at TEDx in Castelfranco Veneto (VE).

Java EE Developer

Magia3 Srl, Pordenone, Italy

Developer maintaining an ERP Java software backed by a Oracle infrastructure.


Healthcare and medical emergency Android app
Offline-first tablet application used by medical operators for collecting on-field data about rescued patients. The product targets most of the italian “A.S.L.” and is installed on ambulances, helicopters and medical rescue cars. I actively contributed to the software design and development, and I implemented the communication between the app and two automated external defibrillators using the JNI. I developed an annotation processor for integrating a custom navigation logic.
Highlights: JNI, C, Annotation processing, Kotlin, MVVM, Coroutines, Dagger, Couchbase Lite, Git Flow
Fintech app
2019 – 2020
Public Android and iOS app providing financial products monitoring and notifications about investment ideas and related events. Developed with Kotlin Multiplatform applying Clean Architecture for sharing business and data access logics across platforms.
Highlights: Kotlin Multiplatform, MVVM, RxJava, RxSwift, Git Flow
FashTime Android App
2019 – 2020
New social network concept in which users trade time instead of likes. I developed the Android version using the existing iOS app as a reference. Worked together with the FashTime team.
Highlights: Kotlin, MVVM, RxJava, Dagger, Jetpack Navigation, Glide, libjpegturbo, Git Flow
Retail Android app and cash register HTTP server
2019 – 2020
Enterprise Android app built on top of the Zebra TC8000 device. Helping the workforce of customer’s retail shops to categorize sold items and make the receipt. The app scans the item barcode which is sent to an HTTP REST server I made that runs on the cash registers.
Highlights: Kotlin, RxJava, Dagger, Retrofit, Jetpack Navigation, Glide
TwinForce, Workforce Management iOS app
2019 – 2020
White label B2B iPad application for providing on-field access to the ERP software to factory’s operators. I contributed to the development of the iPad app including making the whole UI from scratch, keeping it customizable to different look and feel. I also proposed the white label branching model for Git that is currently adopted for the various customers.
Highlights: iOS, Swift, RxSwift, Swinject, Moya, Couchbase Lite, Git Flow
2019 – 2020
Kotlin JVM daemon application that runs on Docker that migrates a selected set of tables from a relational database to a NoSQL store and vice-versa. The product is configurable, with a vendor-agnostic sync engine and a set of vendor-specific plugins for maximizing compatibility.
Highlights: Kotlin, Coroutines, Docker Compose, AWS EC2, SQL Server, Couchbase Server, Oracle
Fintech CRM and Corporate Chat
2017 – 2018
Enterprise Android app which summarizes financial KPIs overview of customers, tracks progress and manages proposed financial products. I implemented a chat with a custom protocol over web sockets.
Highlights: Kotlin, MVP, RxJava, Dagger, Retrofit, Picasso
United Arab Emirates chat project
2016 – 2017
Android messaging app for a UAE Company. The app allows to send text and media, and to make VoIP calls. Worked with an international team with people from Australia, Hungary and the United Kingdom. Stayed in Dubai for 3 weeks.
Highlights: Java, MVC, RxJava, OkHttp, Picasso

What I'm good at

Android development

Kotlin Multiplatform

iOS development



Design patterns



Firebase cloud stack
